Treats high stress, excessive thoughts, and anxiety.
Use to promote deep sleep. quiet and calm the mind,
recover from trauma, strengthen immunity, cleanse lungs,
heal sore throat, relieve cough, allergies, asthma, and to
prevent or heal altitude sickness. Lowers high cholesterol.
Jatamansi & Tulsi in Honey Formula
Recent research has shown that Tusli inhibits histamine release important in relieving allergy symptoms. Holy Basil balances mind, nerves, and emotions.
Jatamansi is perhaps one of Ayurveda's most miraculous treasures for supporting sleep. Jatamansi is utilized for deep rejuvenation, sound sleep, and emotional tranquility. Jatamansi is a great bone healer, strenghthening nerves and relaxing the mind to bring about deep healing. Though used since time immemorial, jatamansi's gifts have perhaps never been so needed as in our modern age. Soothing, comforting and grounding, this formula offers powerful support during times of change and stress.
This formula also naturally contains Vitamin C, Carotene, Calcium, and Phosphorous. It is an antioxidant and skin healer.